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“Dirty Dave” Rudabaugh, Billy the Kid’s Most Feared Companion – List of Images

1. Head of David Rudabaugh
2. 1875 Census, Spring Creek Township, Greenwood County, Kansas
3. William Barclay ‘Bat” Masterson, 1879 photo
4. 1882 bird’s eye view of Las Vegas, New Mexico
5. Layout of the Las Vegas courthouse complex in 1881
6. Las Vegas Plaza windmill, circa 1880
7. John Joshua Webb, 1881 photo
8. San Miguel County Sheriff Hilario Romero, circa 1880
9. Ad for Con Cosgrove’s “Star” Mail Line, January 18, 1880
10. Patrick Floyd Jarvis Garrett, circa 1886
11. Coyote Springs Shelter, front view
12. Coyote Springs Shelter, back view
13. Site of Greathouse’s roadhouse
14. James “Whiskey Jim” Carlyle’s grave site
15. John Hurley, undated photo
16. Harry A. “Joe” Fowler, 1883 photo
17. Fort Sumner, based on the October, 1881, map by Charlie Foor
18. Manuel Silvestre Brazil, undated photo
19. Tom Pickett, undated photo
20. Rock House at Stinking Springs built by Alejandro Perea
21. Rock House at Stinking Springs, partially demolished
22. Rock House site today, 2020 photo
23. Las Vegas train station, photo circa 1880
24. Santa Fe jail, Water Street side, undated photo
25. John Joshua Webb, 1881 engraving
26. LeBaron Bradford Prince, undated photo
27. “Exhibit A,” drawn by witness Jesus Maria Tafoya
28. Ad for Sumner House, March 18, 1881
29. Ad for Mendalhall Livery, July 2, 1880
30. Las Vegas Plaza, undated photo
31. Houghton’s Hardware store, undated photo
32. Layout of the Las Vegas courthouse complex in 1881
33. 1883 Sanborn Fire Insurance map of Las Vegas, Old Town plaza
34. 1883 Sanborn Fire Insurance map of Las Vegas, jail complex
35. San Miguel County jail, cell doors, 1881 photo
36. Parral, Mexico, undated photo
37. Head of David Rudabaugh, February 18, 1886, photo by Albert W. Lohn.
38. Rudabaugh’s head on a pole, February 18, 1886, photo by Albert W. Lohn
39. Fred Milo Mazzulla, 1981 photo
40. Albert W. Lohn, 1919 photo
41. “Exhibit A,” drawn by witness Jesus Maria Tafoya
42. Grave of David L. Anderson (Billy Wilson), 2008 photo
43. Manuela Herrera Bowdre, undated photo
44. Gravestone of Joseph Samuel Marion Edwards, undated photo
45. Gravestone of William Harrison Hudgens, 2013 photo

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-952580-20-8
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-952580-21-5

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