Giovanni Maria de Agostini, Wonder of the Century – Table of Contents
Introduction… 1
1. Tragedy – Agostini’s Missing Papers… 3
Most Fascinating Human Documents Ever Compiled… 3
A Word on Sources… 7
Photo… 8
2. Europe… 9
Initium Vitae… 9
Sizzano – Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia… 10
Childhood… 11
Lazio… 12
Devout Wanderer… 13
Return to Novara… 14
New Life… 15
Photo… 16
3. Saint Anthony the Abbot… 17
“Father of Monks”… 17
Monastery of Saint Anthony… 18
Saint Anthony Abbot… 19
Santo Antonio Abate Today… 21
Photos… 22
4. A New Life Begins… 33
Venezuela… 33
Colombia… 34
Ecuador… 34
Through Peru to Bolivia… 35
Return to Peru… 36
To Brazil… 39
Photo… 40
5. Brazil… 41
Down the Amazon… 41
Atlantic Coast… 42
Rio de Janeiro… 43
Santos and Sorocaba… 45
Ironworks at Ipanema… 46
Monk of Ipanema… 47
Trilha da Pedra Santa… 48
To Argentina… 48
Photos… 48
6. Argentina… 55
7. Return to Brazil – Success and Troubles… 59
Miracle Water at Cerro Campestre… 59
Healings… 62
Government Investigates… 64
Return to Botucaraí… 65
Arrest and Deportation… 66
Grove Island, Santa Catarina… 67
To Rio de Janeiro… 70
Minas Gerais… 71
Monte Alto, São Paulo… 72
Paraná… 72
Festa do Campestre… 73
Santo Cerro do Botucaraí… 74
Gruta do Monge (Lapa)… 75
Photos… 76
8. Argentina Again… 83
São Borja, Brazil… 83
Passport Request at Porto Alegre… 85
Monk’s Hill – Argentina… 86
Rules of the Community… 88
Fiesta de Cerro Monje… 89
Buenos Aires… 90
Photos… 91
9. Chile and Bolivia – Crisis and Trouble… 97
Toward the Andes… 97
Chile… 98
Bolivia… 100
10. Leaving South America… 103
11. Mexico and Cuba… 105
Pico de Orizaba… 105
Denunciation and Arrest… 107
Mental Asylum… 110
Deportation… 110
Cuba… 111
“Wonder of Our Century”… 112
Photos… 113
12. North America… 115
Canada… 115
St. Louis, Missouri… 116
Westport, Missouri… 117
Council Grove, Kansas… 118
Hermit’s Cave… 120
Photos… 121
13. Las Vegas, New Mexico… 123
Hermit’s Peak… 123
Saved by a Monk… 125
Sociedad del Ermitaño… 126
El Porvenir… 128
Los Hermanos Penitentes… 129
Photos… 130
14. New Mexico, Texas, Mexico… 139
Mesilla, New Mexico… 139
Hueco Tanks, Texas… 140
Sierra de Sapello, Mexico… 141
Return to La Cueva… 142
Photos… 142
15. Journey’s End… 145
Death Date… 146
Culprits Unknown… 147
Father Chávez Indicted… 148
El Indio Chacón… 150
Robbery… 150
Assassins… 150
Author’s Opinion… 150
Photo… 152
16. Burial… 153
Debasing Agostini’s Grave… 154
Photos… 154
17. Agostini’s Possessions… 157
Books… 157
Photograph… 157
Saint Anthony Imagery… 158
Other Possessions… 158
Photos… 159
Epilogue… 165
Appendix A – Timeline… 167
Appendix B – Miracle Water at Campestre… 171
Notes… 175
Bibliography… 191
Books and Periodicals… 191
Unpublished Sources… 193
Newspapers – Brazil… 193
Newspapers – Mexico… 194
Newspapers – United States… 194
Index… 197
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