Killing Pat Garrett, the Wild West’s Most Famous Lawman – Murder or Self-Defense?
1. Patrick Floyd Jarvis Garrett, Circa 1878
2. Colonel Albert J. Fountain, 1899
3. Henry Fountain, 1899
4. Oliver Milton Lee, 1899
5. James R. “Jim” Gililland, 1899
6. Sutherland House in La Luz, 2007
7. Dog Canyon Ranch House, Circa 1936
8. Map of Routes Taken by Fountain Posses
9. William McNew, 1899
10. Attorney Albert B. Fall, 1905
11. John Conklin Fraser, Pinkerton Dectective
12. Location where Colonel Fountain and Henry Were Ambushed
13. John “Jack” W. Maxwell
14. Numa Reymond
15. Garrett’s Ranch House on Eagle Creek
16. Garrett’s house in Roswell, 2007
17. Elizabeth “Lizzie” and Poe Garrett, Circa 1890
18. Ida Garrett’s Gravestone
19. Patrick Floyd Jarvis Garrett, Circa 1886
20. George Curry
21. Site of Garrett’s Home Ranch House, 2007
22. Site of Garrett’s Home Ranch House, Second View, 2007
23. Oliver Milton Lee
24. William W. Cox
25. San Augustine Ranch, Circa 1900
26. San Augustine Ranch Today, 2005
27. Wildy Well
28. Wildy Well Today, 2008
29. Colonel Albert J. Fountain
30. Rock House Ranch, Circa 1900
31. Rock House Ranch Today, 2018
32. Hillsboro Courthouse
33. Hillsboro, New Mexico, 1976
34. Hillsboro Courthouse Today, 2008
35. Sadie Orchard’s Stage, Circa 1900
36. Thomas B. Catron
37. Map of Scene of Colonel Fountain’s Disappearance
38. James R. “Jim” Gililland, 1946
39. Expedition to Locate Fountain Bodies, December 25, 1950
40. Pat and Pauline Garrett, Circa 1891
41. Downtown Las Cruces, Circa 1905
42. Interior Bowman Bank, Circa 1900
43. William Wilson, 1900
44. Oscar J. Wilbur, 1900
45. Carlos Telles, 1901
46. Harry Silberberg, Alias James J. Craig, 1904
47. Apolinaria and Elizabeth “Lizzie” Garrett, Circa 1930
48. Rough Rider Reunion, San Antonio, Texas, 1905
49. Emerson Hough
50. Tom Powers’ Coney Island Saloon, El Paso, Texas
51. Tom Powers with Show Horses, Circa 1908
52. Martin Lohman, 1905
53. Group photo, Torrance, New Mexico, August 6, 1907
54. Justice of Peace Office, Organ, New Mexico, Circa 1908
55. William A. Cravens, Jesse Wayne Brazel, and Jim Lee, Circa 1907
56. James B. Miller, 1906
57. Carl Isaac Adamson
58. Advertisement for Burgess “Folding” Shotgun;, 1895
59. Satellite Image Showing Route Garrett Took on February 29, 1908
60. Coroner’s Report on Death of Patrick Floyd Garrett, February 29, 1908
61. Dr. William C. Field, 1939
62. George Curry, Shortly before his Death in 1947
63. James M. Hervey, New Mexico Attorney General
64. Attorney Herbert B. Holt
65. Anonymous Letter to Annie Garrett, Page 1, 1908
66. Anonymous Letter to Annie Garrett, Page 2, 1908
67. W. W. Brazel Homestead, Eagle Creek, Lincoln County
68. William W. Brazel
69. School House Built by W. W. Brazel
70. Mormon Mine, Gold Camp
71. Hegan House, Mormon Mine
72. Brazel Family Cemetery, 2007
73. Brazel Cemetery Marker, 2007
74. Jesse Wayne Brazel with Horses, Circa 1907
75. Olive Elizabeth Boyd, September 12, 1910
76. Group Photo, San Augustine Ranch, 1912
77. Wagon Adamson Used to Smuggle Chinese into New Mexico
78. House in Las Cruces Where Apolinaria Garrett Moved in January, 1909
79. Pauline and Apolinaria Garrett, Circa 1933
80. Newspaper Headline of Lynching, April 19,1909
81. Photo of Men Lynched in Ada, Oklahoma, April 19, 1909
82. Judge Frank Wilson Parker
83. Las Cruces Courthouse
84. John A. Beal and Family
85. Jesse Wayne Brazel, Circa 1909
86. Archie Prentice “Print” Rhode’s Prison Record, 1923
87. Jesse Wayne Brazel and Olive Elizabeth Boyd Marriage, September 12, 1910
88. Olive Elizabeth Boyd’s Gravestone, Monte Vista Cemetery, Alamogordo
89. Jesse Wayne Brazel and Friends, 1914
90. St. Regis Hotel in El Paso, Texas
91. Cave Where W. W. Cox Lived for Two Years, Gold Camp, 2007
92. Inside of Cave Where W. W. Cox Lived for Two Years, Gold Camp, 2007
93. Letter from Albert Fall to Governor Curry, February 7, 1908
94. Park Hotel in Las Cruces
95. Captain Fred Fornoff, New Mexico Mounted Policeman
96. Oliver Milton Lee with Sidearm
97. Map Showing Location where Garrett Was Killed
98. Road Garrett Was Travelling when Killed, 2007
99. Monument Marking Site of Garrett Killing, 2008
100. Abandoned Garrett Family Plot in Las Cruces IOOF Cemetery, 2019
101. Apolinaria Garrett holding the gun that killed Billy the Kid, October 7, 1934
102. House Where Apolinaria Was Living When Presented with Pistol, 2019